Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a painful condition that affects many individuals. If you’re experiencing this discomfort, you’re not alone. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the causes of frozen shoulder, the role of chiropractic shoulder adjustments in its management, and effective exercises to ease the pain. Welcome to Amersham Chiropractic Clinic’s journey towards better shoulder health.

Understanding Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a prevalent musculoskeletal disorder in the United Kingdom. Statistics reveal that it affects a significant portion of the population, with estimates suggesting that approximately 2% to 5% of individuals in the UK experience this condition at some point in their lives. This places frozen shoulders among the common causes of neck and shoulder pain encountered in clinical practice.

The Gender Factor

When considering the causes of neck and shoulder pain, it’s worth noting that frozen shoulders don’t discriminate based on gender. However, there’s a notable gender bias when it comes to its prevalence. Women are more likely to develop frozen shoulders compared to men, with a ratio of 2:1. This gender disparity highlights the significance of addressing this condition in a comprehensive manner, particularly for women experiencing discomfort.

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Age and Frozen Shoulder

Age plays a crucial role in the development of frozen shoulders. While it can affect individuals of various age groups, it’s most commonly observed in those aged between 40 and 60 years old. This age bracket appears to be more susceptible to the condition, emphasising the need for targeted care and understanding of the causes of neck and shoulder pain within this demographic.

Linking Frozen Shoulder to Neck and Shoulder Pain

Frozen shoulder, characterised by stiffness, pain, and limited range of motion, is intrinsically linked to the causes of neck and shoulder pain. Individuals experiencing frozen shoulders often report discomfort not only in the shoulder joint itself but also radiating into the neck and upper arm. This connection underscores the importance of addressing frozen shoulders comprehensively, as it can significantly impact an individual’s overall musculoskeletal well-being.
As we explore the factors contributing to frozen shoulder and its effective management, it becomes clear that adopting a multidisciplinary approach is essential to tackle both the condition and the accompanying neck and shoulder discomfort. Chiropractic shoulder exercises, in conjunction with tailored treatments and exercises, present promising avenues for relieving the discomfort associated with frozen shoulder and its influence on neck and shoulder pain.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder

What Triggers Frozen Shoulder? The exact cause of frozen shoulder remains a subject of study, but several factors contribute to its development. These factors may include:

  • Inflammation: Inflammation in the shoulder capsule can lead to the thickening and tightening of the joint lining.
  • Immobility: Shoulder immobility due to injury, surgery, or prolonged inactivity can increase the risk of frozen shoulder.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, and heart disease are associated with an increased risk of frozen shoulder.
  • Age and Gender: As mentioned earlier, women aged 40 to 60 are more susceptible to this condition.

Chiropractic Care for Frozen Shoulder

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive and holistic approach to managing frozen shoulders. Chiropractors focus on improving spinal and joint health, which can indirectly affect the shoulder’s condition. So here’s how chiropractic care can help:

  1.  Improved Spinal Alignment: Firstly, chiropractic adjustments can enhance spinal alignment, which may reduce the burden on the shoulder joint.
  2.  Enhanced Nerve Function: Secondly, proper spinal alignment can also improve nerve function, aiding in better communication between the brain and shoulder muscles.
  3. Increased Circulation: Moreover, chiropractic care can enhance blood flow, promoting faster healing of inflamed tissues
  4. Personalized Treatment Plans: Chiropractors create individualised treatment plans to address the specific needs of patients with frozen shoulders.
  5. Range of Motion Exercises: Lastly, chiropractic shoulder exercises may be recommended to improve shoulder flexibility and strength, aiding in the recovery process.

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Effective Exercises for Frozen Shoulder Relief

In addition to chiropractic care, incorporating specific chiropractic shoulder exercises can be highly beneficial in managing frozen shoulders. Here are a few exercises that you can try under the guidance of your chiropractor:

  1. Pendulum Stretch: Gently swing your arm in a small circle to improve mobility.
  2. Cross-Body Reach: Use your good arm to gently guide the affected arm across your body to stretch the shoulder.
  3. Towel Stretch: Hold a towel behind your back and gently pull up with your good arm, stretching the affected arm.
  4. Wall Climbing: Stand facing a wall and use your fingers to “climb” the wall, raising your arm higher each time.
  5. Arm Circle Stretch: Slowly make large circles with your affected arm to improve range of motion.

Remember, it’s crucial to consult with your chiropractor before attempting any exercises to ensure they are suitable for your condition.


In conclusion, frozen shoulders can be a challenging and painful condition, but there is hope for relief. Therefore, chiropractic shoulder adjustments, along with a tailored exercise regimen, can make a significant difference in your journey to recovery. If you’re tired of dealing with frozen shoulder’s limitations, consider consulting with the professionals at Amersham Chiropractic Clinic. Our dedicated team is here to support you on your path to improved shoulder health.
So don’t let frozen shoulders hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a pain-free and mobile shoulder by exploring chiropractic care and effective exercises today.

Visit Amersham Chiropractic Clinic for personalised guidance and care tailored to your needs.


Can chiropractic adjustments cure frozen shoulders?

Chiropractic care can significantly improve the symptoms of frozen shoulder, but a complete cure may require a multidisciplinary approach.

Are chiropractic shoulder adjustments painful?

Chiropractic adjustments are generally not painful, but you may feel some discomfort or mild soreness afterward, which is usually temporary.

How long does it take to see results from chiropractic care for frozen shoulders?

The timeline for improvement varies from person to person. Some individuals experience relief after a few sessions, while others may require more consistent care over several weeks.

Are chiropractic adjustments safe for frozen shoulder patients?

Chiropractic adjustments are considered safe when performed by a licensed chiropractor. However, it’s essential to discuss your specific condition and medical history with your chiropractor to ensure the most suitable treatment plan.